Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.



Objective: Weeds reduce the yield and quality of fenugreek. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of different periods of weed control and interference on yield and yield components of fenugreek.
Methods: This experiment was adjusted with 12 treatments and three replicates, out of which 6 treatments comprised weed control and the other 6 treatments comprised weed interference (including weed control or weed interference from emergence up to the third true leaf, the sixth true leaf, to the first flowering branch, to the third flowering branch, to flowering, and to seed filling) at the research farm of Urmia University in 2018.
Results: The results showed that the interference treatment up to the third true leaf had the lowest weed dry weight. In both treatment series, a significant decrease was observed in grain yield per plant and hectare of fenugreek with increasing the presence period of weeds so that the beginning of the critical period was determined 140 and 158 GDD from plants emergence at two acceptable levels of 5 and 10% reduction of grain yield per hectare, respectively, and the end of the critical period of weed control was established at 349 and 282 GDD from the emergence at the two levels of yield reductions, respectively.
Conclusion: Therefore, the best time to control the weeds was from the third true leaf to flowering and from the four-leaf stage until the appearance of flowers at 5% and 10% yield reduction levels, respectively.



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