Peyman Sharifi; Unes Izadpanah; Mohammad Naghi Safarzad Vishekaei; Mohammad Arash Tahmourespour
A factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out in order to study the effects of tuber size, nitrogen fertilizer and harvest date on yield and yield components of potato. This experiment was conducted in a grower’s farm in Uraki village ...
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A factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out in order to study the effects of tuber size, nitrogen fertilizer and harvest date on yield and yield components of potato. This experiment was conducted in a grower’s farm in Uraki village located in Chabahar city, in 2011. In this experiment, the treatments were two levels of tuber size (smaller and larger than 35 mm), four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1) and two levels of harvest date (105 and 112 days after emergence). The results of analysis of variance indicated that effects of tuber size, nitrogen rate and tuber size × nitrogen rate interaction effect were significant for all of the studied traits at 0.01 probability level. Effect of harvest date was significant on total tuber yield, number of large tubers, tuber yield and dry matter. The results of this experiment indicated increasing nitrogen up to 120 kg ha-1,increased total tuber number, number of large tubers, tuber yield and dry matter. But using up to 180 kg of nitrogen per hectare reduced these traits. According to the results of this research, it seems that under our experiments condition, tuber size larger than 35 mm, using 120 kg nitrogen per hectare which harvested 112 days after emergence date of tubers (1st of April) produced 41500 kg ha-1 tuber which is suitable to gain the highest yield of tubers for planting the 'Sante' cultivar.
Mohammad Mahmoodi Sourestani; Mehrdad Akbarzade
Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) is one of the most important mint family plants that has numerous applications in food, cosmetical, and pharmaceutical industries due to its valuable medicinal properties. In this research, the change in plant fresh and leaf dry weights, essential oil content, yield and ...
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Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) is one of the most important mint family plants that has numerous applications in food, cosmetical, and pharmaceutical industries due to its valuable medicinal properties. In this research, the change in plant fresh and leaf dry weights, essential oil content, yield and composition during year as randomized complete block design with twelve treatments and three replications was studied. Result showed that harvest time had a significant effect on plant fresh and leaf dry weights, essential oil content and yield. The highest plant fresh (1868.7 gr.m-1) and leaf dry (253.3 gr.m-1) weigths were recorded on July and June, respectively. Plants also showed highest amount of essential oil content (3.82%) and yield (8.5 gr.m-1) on July. The main essential oil componenens were carvone, limonene, careen, α-pinene, myrecene, β-borbonene, cisdihydrocarvone, dihydrocarveol, dihydrocarvyl acetate, Pulgone and trans caryophylene. The highest (67.9%) and lowest (22.4%) amounts of carvone were observed on July and January, respectively. The highest (21.1%) and lowest (4%) amounts of limonene were observed on augest and December, respectively. The maximum amount of caren (5.8%) was obtained on January. Cis dihydrocarvone, dihidrocarveol and dihydrocarvyl acetate were increased during winter. In total, spearmint can harvested from May to October but best harvesting time is July.
Kazem Arzani; Hassan Khoshghalb; Mohamad Jafar Malakouti; Mohsen Barzegar
Volume 12, Issue 2 , November 2010, , Pages 1-9
The effect of Ca, Zn and B foliar application (five g l-1) and their mixed applications as well as two harvest dates (1st and 15st of August) on PPO activity of two commercial Asian pears (‘KS’9 and ‘KS’13) fruits at the time of harvest and during storage were investigated. Results ...
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The effect of Ca, Zn and B foliar application (five g l-1) and their mixed applications as well as two harvest dates (1st and 15st of August) on PPO activity of two commercial Asian pears (‘KS’9 and ‘KS’13) fruits at the time of harvest and during storage were investigated. Results showed that the PPO activity increased from harvest time to three months after storage and then decreased. During storage, PPO showed lower activity in the fruits harvested from foliar sprayed trees compared with nonsprayed trees for both harvest dates and in both cultivars. In the first harvest date (1st of August), PPO activity of foliar sprayed treatments were 256 (control), 212 (Ca), 163 (Zn), 171 (B) and 112 (Ca + Zn + B) for ‘KS’9 and 286 (control), 240 (Ca), 184 (Zn), 193 (B) and 136 unit activity min-1 per 100g-1 FW (Ca + Zn + B) for ‘KS’13. In the early harvested fruits (1st of August), the amount of PPO showed lower activity than the late harvested fruit during five months storage in two studied cultivars. Hence, it is concluded that Ca, Zn and B applications and earlier fruit harvest could affected to decrease in the enzymatic browning disorder and increase the storage longivity of fruits.