Mahdi Kaykhazaleh; Mahmood Ramroudi; Mohammad Galavi; َAhmad Ghanbari; Hamid Reza Fanay
An experiment has been conducted in the form of split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Institute in Zahak to evaluate the effect of drought stress and potassium application on yield and morphophysiological traits of ...
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An experiment has been conducted in the form of split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Institute in Zahak to evaluate the effect of drought stress and potassium application on yield and morphophysiological traits of safflower (Goldasht cultivar) under saline irrigation conditions (EC 6 dS.m-1) in 2018-2019. Drought stress irrigation regimes have been tested at three levels (irrigation after 45% (control), 65%, and 85% of admissible moisture depletion) as the main factor, and potassium fertilizer at four levels (0, 75, 150, and 225 kg.ha-1) as the sub factor. According to the findings, drought stress has reduced plant height, number of heads per plant, number of seeds per head, seed and biological yield, and relative water content. The use of potassium, on the other hand, has increased the above traits greatly. Irrigation after 45% moisture depletion increases seed yield by 42.32%, compared to irrigation after 85% moisture depletion. Interaction of drought stress and potassium has had a significant effect on number of branches per plant, 1000-seed weight, leaf chlorophyll index, soluble carbohydrate content, and seed oil percentage, with the highest amount observed after 45% water drainage and application of 225 kg K ha-1.
Fazileh Dahie-Zehi; Mahmood Ramroudi; Abdolshakor Raissi
In order to investigate the effect of drought stress on some morphological traits, yield, yield components, and oil percentage of sesame genotypes, an experiment has been conducted in form of split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2018 at the Research Farm of ...
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In order to investigate the effect of drought stress on some morphological traits, yield, yield components, and oil percentage of sesame genotypes, an experiment has been conducted in form of split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2018 at the Research Farm of Velayat University, Iranshahr. Drought stress factor includes normal irrigation (based on 100 mm evaporation from Class A evaporation pan) and drought stress (based on 200 mm evaporation from Class A evaporation pan) as the main factor, while sesame cultivars, including Dashtestan 2 and 5, Yelovait, Jiroft13, Iandraces of Dom Siah, and Darab1 have been the subfactor. Results show that drought stress significantly reduces plant height, number of branch and capsule per plant, number of seed per capsule and seed, biological yield, and oil yield and percentage. The increase in seed yield under normal irrigation conditions has been 28.67%, compared to drought stress conditions. Among all cultivars, Darab-1 has had the highest seed and oil yield in comparison with other cultivars under both irrigation conditions; therefore, this cultivar will be suitable for cultivation in Iranshahr. The correlation results show that seed yield has had a positive and significant correlation with the number of capsules per plant, number of seed per capsule, biological yield, and 1000-seed weight, with the highest correlation being related to seed and oil yield.
Mahdi Mehrandesh; Mohammad Galavi; Mahmoud Ramroudi; Mohammad Armin
In order to investigate the effect of different nutrition systems (chemical, organic, chemical+organic, and control) on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet in various planting methods (direct planting, potting, and transplanting), an experiment has been conducted as split plot ...
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In order to investigate the effect of different nutrition systems (chemical, organic, chemical+organic, and control) on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet in various planting methods (direct planting, potting, and transplanting), an experiment has been conducted as split plot in randomized complete block design with three replicates between 2016 and 2018 in a field, 75 km northwest of Sabzevar. The results show that in the first year, the highest root yield (84.34tha-1) has been obtained from the potting method and chemical along with organic fertilizer application. In the second year, the highest yield (82.96tha-1) belongs to the chemical and organic fertilizer treatment in transplanting method. In both years, the highest sugar content has been obtained from control treatment and direct planting, with transplanting method having the highest sugar yield in both years (13.29 and 14.44 tha-1, respectively). Transplanting and potting method have had more root impurities than direct cultivation. Among nutrition systems, the highest root impurities is obtained in the combination of chemical and organic treatment. Direct culture and control produce the highest alkalinity index. Overall, despite the increase in root impurities in transplanting or potting along with chemical with organic treatment, these treatments produce the highest sugar yield. Accordingly, chemical and organic fertilization along with transplanting could be recommended to produce the highest root and sugar yield.
Roghayeh Mohammadpour Vashvaei; Ahmad Ghanbari; Mohammad Reza Asgharipour; Mahmood Ramroudi; Mehdi Dahmardeh
Today, in order to have a sustainable agricultural system, it is necessary to use the inputs that improve the ecological aspects of the system and reduce environmental hazards. In this regards, an experiment was conducted on split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, ...
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Today, in order to have a sustainable agricultural system, it is necessary to use the inputs that improve the ecological aspects of the system and reduce environmental hazards. In this regards, an experiment was conducted on split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, at the Research Station of Bayakola, during 2016. Experimental treatments were plant nutrition with NPK, animal manure, compost, vermicompost and control (no chemical and organic fertilizer) as main plot and bio-phosphate, nitroxin, nitroxin + bio-phosphate, nano bioumik and control (no bio and nano bio-fertilizer) as subplot. Effects of organic and inorganic, bio and nano bio-fertilizer treatments and their interactions on all studied traits were significant (P≤0.01). The highest amounts of all studied traits were obtained in vermicompost in combination with nano bioumik fertilizers treatment. The result of factor analysis also confirmed this. Therefore, with respect to the production of medicinal plants in the low-input cropping systems and to achieve sustainable agriculture and environmental protection, using vermicompost in combination with nano bioumik treatment was suitable for improving plant growth and increasing seed yield of datura
Roghie Bamshad; Mahmoud Ramroudi; Mohammad Asgharipour
In order to investigate the effects Azoto of irrigation cutting and chemical and biological fertilizers, Azoto Barvar 1 and phosphate Barvar 2 on grain yield, essential oil and biochemical properties cumin, an experiment was conducted as split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three ...
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In order to investigate the effects Azoto of irrigation cutting and chemical and biological fertilizers, Azoto Barvar 1 and phosphate Barvar 2 on grain yield, essential oil and biochemical properties cumin, an experiment was conducted as split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the University of Zabol Research Farm during 2016. Main plots included four levels of irrigation cutting; conventional irrigation, irrigation cutting in between stem elongation to flowering, irrigation cutting in between flowering to beginning of the grain filling period and irrigation cutting in between beginning to end of grain filling period. The subplot was the different type of phosphorous fertilizer including control (no fertilizer application), Azoto Barvar 1 and Phosphate Barvar 2 and triple superphosphate. Results indicated that the interaction of irrigation cutting and phosphorous fertilizer was significant on seed yield, oil percentage, carbohydrates, proline, total protein, absorption of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. The greatest seed yield, oil percentage, total protein, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus obtained at conventional irrigation along with the application of Azoto Barvar 1, while the greatest proline was achieved at irrigation cutting between beginnings to the end of grain filling period along with the application of triple superphosphate. The greatest carbohydrate was observed at irrigation cutting between beginnings to the end of the grain filling period along with the application of Phosphate Barvar 2. In conclusion, results indicated positive effects of biofertilizers on the improvement of nutritional conditions of plants under irrigation cutting conditions
Elahe Moradi Marjaneh; Mohammad Galavi; Mahmood Ramroudi; Mahmood Solouki
In order to evaluate the effects of biological and chemical fertilizers at different cuts on some properties of the Rosemary, an experiment was carried out as split plot based on Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, at the Zabol University Research Farm. Three times cuttings ...
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In order to evaluate the effects of biological and chemical fertilizers at different cuts on some properties of the Rosemary, an experiment was carried out as split plot based on Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, at the Zabol University Research Farm. Three times cuttings were Autumn’s first cut (late autumn), spring’s first cut (late spring) and autumn’s second cut (six months after autumn’s first cut) being considered as a major factor. The biological fertilizers included Aztobarvar, Phosphate Barvar-2, Petabarvar and chemical fertilizer NPK 20:20:20 and the control was considered as a subplot factor. The results showed that spring’s first cut had the greatest impact on essential oil content and phosphor. The autumn’s second cut had the greatest influence on the percentage of leaf relative water and the concentration of potassium and sodium. Amounts of protein, soluble carbohydrates, dry matter yield, essential oil content and essential yield, oil percentage and oil yield, leaf relative water, chlorophyll, carotenes and nitrogen increased as affected by fertilizers compared with control. The maximum amount of phosphor (7352 was obtained from application of Phosphate Barvar-2. Additionally, the maximum amount of potassium (5542 and the minimum of sodium (4760 was obtained from Petabarvar. Protein, dry matter yield and oil yield, oil percentage, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll significantly increased under the interactions of spring’s first cut and Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer by 28/36 mg.liter-1, (3294 and 53/90 kg.ha-1) 1/63, 6/66, 1/94 and 81/4, respectivly. The results also indicated that the interaction of spring’s first cut and Petabarvar biologic fertilizer had the highest essential oil yield (41.46 kg.ha-1) and interaction of autumn’s second cut and Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer produced the highest amount of nitrogen (12955 ppm) in shoot. The result showed that the application of Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer in spring’s first cut improved and enhanced the quantitative and physiological characteristics of Rosemary. This would probably have been due to facilitating nitrogen uptake and optimal environmental conditions for growth and development.
Jaber Esazadeh Panjali Kharabasi; Mohammad Galavi; Mahmoud Ramroudi
In order to evaluate the effects of drought stress and methanol foliar application on some quantitative and qualitative traits of soybean (cv. Viliamz), a split plot experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design at the Faculty of Moghan Research Farm in 2011. Treatments were three ...
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In order to evaluate the effects of drought stress and methanol foliar application on some quantitative and qualitative traits of soybean (cv. Viliamz), a split plot experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design at the Faculty of Moghan Research Farm in 2011. Treatments were three levels of drought stress based on irrigation at depletion of 40, 55 and 70 percent of available soil moisture comprising the main-plot and four rates of methanol foliar application including non-methanol spraying (control), 7, 21 and 35 volumetric percentages as sub-plots that were applied with three replications. Drought stress significantly affected stem diameter, pod length, number of seed per pod, number of pod per plant, seed yield, HI, soluble carbohydrates, chlorophyll content, oil and protein percentage of seed. Drought stress increased soluble carbohydrates and oil percentage of seed and decreased other traits, so that irrigation at depletion of 70 percent of available soil moisture decreased seed yield by 33.87 percent. Methanol foliar application significantly affected number of pod per plant, seed yield, chlorophyll content, pod length, number of seed per pods, soluble carbohydrates and seed protein content. The greatest effect of methanol foliar application on studied traits obtained from 21 percent by volume of methanol and increased seed yield by 25.6 percent in comparison with the control and the highest seed yield for irrigation after 40 percent depletion of available moisture was obtained.