Amir Aynehband; saber hosaini; masomeh farzaneh
The evaluation of different forage crops (clover, barley, chickpea, vetch, and fenugreek) and planting method's effect on the quality and quantity of forage yield was the main goal of this study. This study was conducted as a split-plot based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications ...
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The evaluation of different forage crops (clover, barley, chickpea, vetch, and fenugreek) and planting method's effect on the quality and quantity of forage yield was the main goal of this study. This study was conducted as a split-plot based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications on the experimental research field of agriculture faculty, the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz during 2017-2018. Main plot included three planting methods (row intercropping with 10 cm and 20 cm interval and mixed intercropping) and sub-plot was seven forage crops with dominance of barley (50% barley+50% clover as control, 50% barley+25% clover+25% chickpea, 50% barley+25% clover+25% vetch, 50% barley+25% clover+25% fenugreek and 50% barley+25% vetch+25% fenugreek). Total forage yield and yield components and also, some quality parameters of forage (ADF, NDF, WSC, DMD, raw fiber and ash were measured. The results showed that the highest total forage yield (1268.9 g.m-2) was belonged to crop diversity of 50% barley + 25% chickpea + 25% fenugreek with 10 cm - row intercropping. It can be due to the highest of all forage yield components including stem, leaves and reproductive dry weight.
leila Soleimanpoor; Ruhollah Naderi; Mehdi Najafi Ghiri
Planting of various crops in intercropping may change the amount of nutrients uptake by plants because of morphological and physiological differences in roots. In order to investigate the metal micronutrients uptake of the crops in cereals-legume intercropping a field experiment was performed in 2014-2015 ...
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Planting of various crops in intercropping may change the amount of nutrients uptake by plants because of morphological and physiological differences in roots. In order to investigate the metal micronutrients uptake of the crops in cereals-legume intercropping a field experiment was performed in 2014-2015 in the College of Agriculture of Darab, Shiraz University. Treatments included 10 monoculture (wheat, barley, triticale, pea and bean with and without weeds) and 6 intercropping (wheat + pea, wheat + faba bean, barley + pea, barley + faba bean, triticale + pea and triticale + faba bean with weeds) which laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Results showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the uptake of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn by plants so that the highest content of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in cereals was obtained in weed-free monoculture triticale (353.2 ppm), barley+faba bean intercropping (20.18 ppm), wheat+faba bean intercropping (23.59 ppm) and weed-free wheat monoculture (28.22 ppm). The highest content of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in legumes was obtained in wheat+faba bean intercropping (673.1 ppm), barley+pea intercropping (26.24 ppm), triticale+faba bean intercropping (28.33 ppm) and weed-free faba bean monoculture (32.26 ppm). The ranking of micronutrients uptake by crops and weeds was Fe˃Mn˃Zn.
Saeideh Maleki Farahani; Daryoush Mazaheri; Mohammad Reza Chaeichi
To evaluate the effects of fertilizing and deficit irrigation regimes on some chemical properties of soil and plant, an experiment was conducted during 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. Experimental design was a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments ...
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To evaluate the effects of fertilizing and deficit irrigation regimes on some chemical properties of soil and plant, an experiment was conducted during 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. Experimental design was a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of three deficit irrigation regimes (main plots) and six soil fertilizing systems (sub-plots). The irrigation treatments were included non-stressed, medium stress and severe stress. Fertilizing systems consisted of no fertilizing as control, phosphorous and nitrogen biofertilizers, 100% chemical fertilizer, vermicompost, 50% chemical fertilizer + 50% vermicompost, and 50% chemical fertilizer + biofertilizer as the sub plots. Integrated application of chemical and organic fertilizers increased soil P more than the other fertilizing systems. Integrated fertilizers increased plant N in compare with other fertilizing systems. Fertilizers containing vermicompost had more soil organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus or plant N and P under water stress rather than the others. Biofertilizer increased soil and plant P content under normal irrigation.
Shakiba Shahmoradi; Mehdi Zahravi
To evaluate the effects of water deficit stress in barley germplasm collection of National Gene Bank ofIran, 25 genotypes collected from arid and semi arid provinces of Iran and 3 sample cultivars werestudied in two environments including: non-stressed and water deficit stress. Agronomical, phenologicaland ...
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To evaluate the effects of water deficit stress in barley germplasm collection of National Gene Bank ofIran, 25 genotypes collected from arid and semi arid provinces of Iran and 3 sample cultivars werestudied in two environments including: non-stressed and water deficit stress. Agronomical, phenologicaland morphological traits were measured. Stress indices were calculated to determine tolerant genotypes.Based on correlation coeficiences, STI were better indicator of drought stress tolerance than the otherindices. Based on STI, morphotypes number 16, 24, 25 and 26 shown better stress tolerance potential thanthe other morphotypes. Stepwise regression between stress tolerance index (STI) and quantitave traitsindicates the important role of leaf area and specific leaf area of flag leaf under drought stress condition,in acclimation to drought conditions. It is also concluded that the 100 grain weight is the only trait undernormal condition witch shows a close relation with stress tolerance index.
sayed ali tabatabaei
One of the effects of reducing water content on soil is reduction of growth and development of seedlings and variation of field development of them. It was found that seed priming improves some characteristics of seedling and plant. An experiment was conducted for evaluating the effect of seed priming ...
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One of the effects of reducing water content on soil is reduction of growth and development of seedlings and variation of field development of them. It was found that seed priming improves some characteristics of seedling and plant. An experiment was conducted for evaluating the effect of seed priming by salicylic acid on some characteristics of barley seed at early growth stages, antioxidant enzyes activity and proline content under drought stress. The first factor was priming with salicylic acid (zero, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) and the second factor was three levels of drought (zero, -6 and -12 bar). The results showed that SA pretreatment effect on germination percentage, germination rate, dry weight, protein, catalase, ascorbat peroxidase activity and proline content were significant. The interaction effect of stress seed treatment on leaf number was not significant but the main factors were significant. The highest germination percentage (98.7), germination rate and seedling dry weight were found at 100 ppm concentrations of salicylic acid. Under drought stress conditions, protein content decreased but salicylic acid pretreatment increased the valuet. Also, drought stress conditions increased enzyme activity and proline content, but salicylic acid pretreatment decreased them.
Ahmad Jafari; Mehrdad Mahlooji
Volume 12, Issue 1 , May 2010, , Pages 21-27
In order to selection of superior cold tolerant barley genotypes for cold regions of Esfahan province, this study was conducted with nine barley varieties/lines in Fereidan area, and in two successive years (2002-2004). The research was carried out in on-farm pattern experiment and in a CRB design. Results ...
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In order to selection of superior cold tolerant barley genotypes for cold regions of Esfahan province, this study was conducted with nine barley varieties/lines in Fereidan area, and in two successive years (2002-2004). The research was carried out in on-farm pattern experiment and in a CRB design. Results showed that grain yield and some of yield components affected by year, variety and their interactions, significantly. Positive and significant correlation observed between grain yields and numbers of spikes per square meter. Changes of numbers of spikes per square meter were main cause of grain yield variations. Grain yields correlated with thousand kernel weight, negatively and significantly. The grain yield of CB-74-2 barley line was the highest in all years, significantly. Also, the grain yield of IFN-12 and IFN-13 barley lines, selected from Esfahan province’s local varieties, were significantly higher than check variety (Makooii).