Esmaeil Khaleghi; Kazem Arzani; Norollah Moallemi; Mohsen Barzegar
The effect of Kaolin on fruit and oil of olive cv. `Zard’ was evaluated in a commercial orchard in Fasacity, Fars Province. Mature olive trees cv. `Zard’ were sprayed with 0, 3 and 6% kaolin after 60 days, 60and 90 days and 60, 90, 120 days after full bloom. Results showed that kaolin concentration ...
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The effect of Kaolin on fruit and oil of olive cv. `Zard’ was evaluated in a commercial orchard in Fasacity, Fars Province. Mature olive trees cv. `Zard’ were sprayed with 0, 3 and 6% kaolin after 60 days, 60and 90 days and 60, 90, 120 days after full bloom. Results showed that kaolin concentration and sprayingtime had not significant effects on physicochemical parameters but they had significant effects on freefatty acids composition. linoleic acid (14.49 percent) and linolenic acid (1.02%) were lowest in the thirdlevel of spraying time. Amount of oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids,oleic acid to linoleic acid were higher in oil extracted from trees treated with 3 or 6% kaolin than theuntreated trees. Also, oleic acid to linoleic acid (4.65%), monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturatedfatty acids (4.2%) were the highest in 6% kaolin with thrice spraying treatment (6% kaolin × thricespraying) while linolenic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid were the lowest in 6% kaolin × thrice spraying.Therefore this study showed fatty acids composition was improved by kaolin spraying.
Kazem Arzani; Hassan Khoshghalb; Mohamad Jafar Malakouti; Mohsen Barzegar
Volume 12, Issue 2 , November 2010, , Pages 1-9
The effect of Ca, Zn and B foliar application (five g l-1) and their mixed applications as well as two harvest dates (1st and 15st of August) on PPO activity of two commercial Asian pears (‘KS’9 and ‘KS’13) fruits at the time of harvest and during storage were investigated. Results ...
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The effect of Ca, Zn and B foliar application (five g l-1) and their mixed applications as well as two harvest dates (1st and 15st of August) on PPO activity of two commercial Asian pears (‘KS’9 and ‘KS’13) fruits at the time of harvest and during storage were investigated. Results showed that the PPO activity increased from harvest time to three months after storage and then decreased. During storage, PPO showed lower activity in the fruits harvested from foliar sprayed trees compared with nonsprayed trees for both harvest dates and in both cultivars. In the first harvest date (1st of August), PPO activity of foliar sprayed treatments were 256 (control), 212 (Ca), 163 (Zn), 171 (B) and 112 (Ca + Zn + B) for ‘KS’9 and 286 (control), 240 (Ca), 184 (Zn), 193 (B) and 136 unit activity min-1 per 100g-1 FW (Ca + Zn + B) for ‘KS’13. In the early harvested fruits (1st of August), the amount of PPO showed lower activity than the late harvested fruit during five months storage in two studied cultivars. Hence, it is concluded that Ca, Zn and B applications and earlier fruit harvest could affected to decrease in the enzymatic browning disorder and increase the storage longivity of fruits.