Firozeh Oladaskari; mani mojaddam; timoor Babaei Nejad
Biological fertilizers are natural inputs that can be used as complementary or alternative fertilizers in sustainable agriculture. A split plot experiment has been conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Khuzestan province during 2018-19. Three different planting methods ...
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Biological fertilizers are natural inputs that can be used as complementary or alternative fertilizers in sustainable agriculture. A split plot experiment has been conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Khuzestan province during 2018-19. Three different planting methods (spraying), linear and atmospheric and stack plots in main plots and three levels of application of 100% urea, 70% urea plus 100 g Azotobacter, 50% urea plus 100 g Azotobacter in plots. Sub-comparisons. The results of analysis of variance showed that the main effects application of urea fertilizer plus azotobacter and planting pattern had a significant effect on number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, grain yield, protein percentage, parietin yield. The use of 70% urea plus Azotobacter significantly increased the yield of rapeseed oil but was in a class with 100% urea treatment. The use of 70% urea plus Azotobacter significantly increased the yield of rapeseed oil but was in a class with 100% urea treatment. Interaction between sowing pattern and the combination of urea and aztobacter had a significant effect on grain yield and biological yield. The most appropriate yield of method planting furrow and 70% of urea with azotobacter application. In this study, considering the 25% savings in nitrogen fertilizer consumption, in addition to 33% increase in canola quality, it reduced the costs by 30%, which is economically viable and recommended.