Roghayeh Mohammadpour Vashvaei; Ahmad Ghanbari; Mohammad Reza Asgharipour; Mahmood Ramroudi; Mehdi Dahmardeh
Today, in order to have a sustainable agricultural system, it is necessary to use the inputs that improve the ecological aspects of the system and reduce environmental hazards. In this regards, an experiment was conducted on split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, ...
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Today, in order to have a sustainable agricultural system, it is necessary to use the inputs that improve the ecological aspects of the system and reduce environmental hazards. In this regards, an experiment was conducted on split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, at the Research Station of Bayakola, during 2016. Experimental treatments were plant nutrition with NPK, animal manure, compost, vermicompost and control (no chemical and organic fertilizer) as main plot and bio-phosphate, nitroxin, nitroxin + bio-phosphate, nano bioumik and control (no bio and nano bio-fertilizer) as subplot. Effects of organic and inorganic, bio and nano bio-fertilizer treatments and their interactions on all studied traits were significant (P≤0.01). The highest amounts of all studied traits were obtained in vermicompost in combination with nano bioumik fertilizers treatment. The result of factor analysis also confirmed this. Therefore, with respect to the production of medicinal plants in the low-input cropping systems and to achieve sustainable agriculture and environmental protection, using vermicompost in combination with nano bioumik treatment was suitable for improving plant growth and increasing seed yield of datura