Tahereh Mirzavand; Iraj Alahdadi; Elias Soltani; Fatemeh Benakashani; Shiva Akbari
Objective: Using practical, safe and cheap methods to produce healthy food and protect the environment is a necessity, and one of these solutions to solve the problem of chemical fertilizers consumption is to use the principles of sustainable agriculture. Biological and organic fertilizers play an effective ...
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Objective: Using practical, safe and cheap methods to produce healthy food and protect the environment is a necessity, and one of these solutions to solve the problem of chemical fertilizers consumption is to use the principles of sustainable agriculture. Biological and organic fertilizers play an effective role in increasing the yield of agricultural products by increasing the water holding capacity and also improving the biological properties of the soil and having essential nutrients. Biological and organic fertilizers are used as growth promoters with more efficiency than chemical fertilizers. Foliar spraying of nutrients can help in compensating the lack of nutrients absorbed through the roots or supplying the plant's need for these elements in the leaves. Also, by feeding through the leaves and foliar spraying, it can provide food to the plant in the shortest possible time, and this method is a suitable way to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and reduce their environmental risks. In order to evaluate the effect of three types of organic fertilizers on the yield, yield components and seed oil percentage of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and the amount of some elements in soil, an experiment has been carried out at the research farm of the College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, in the agricultural year 2019-2020.Methods: This experiment has been conducted as a factorial based on a randomized complete block design in three replications. The combination of factorial levels were in the form of nutrient fertilizer 1 factor in two levels of 300 kg.ha-1 and no application of nutrient fertilizer 1, nutrient fertilizer 2 factor in 2 levels of 2 lit.ha-1 and no application (spraying with distilled water) and nutrient fertilizer 3 factor in three levels of foliar application at the rate of one and two liters per hectare and no application.Results: The results showed that the use of nutrient fertilizer 1 alone resulted in higher plant dry weight. The use of organic fertilizers compared to the control treatment increased the capsule weight, seed yield, harvest index and seed oil percentage, and the lowest values of these traits belonged to the control treatment. The simultaneous application of nutrient fertilizer 1 and nutrient fertilizer 3 was effective in stimulating nitrogen absorption by the plant, and as a result, reduced the amount of soil nitrogen.Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the application of organic fertilizers, especially the nutrient fertilizer 1, has had a favorable effect on the yield and growth characteristics of the plant.
adel abdimani; Gholam Ali Akbari; elias soltani; Majid Ghorbani Javid
Objective: The present study was conducted during the agricultural year 2021-2022 with the aim of investigating the effect of planting date and shading on yield and some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ginger using a split plot design with three replications at the research farm of the ...
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Objective: The present study was conducted during the agricultural year 2021-2022 with the aim of investigating the effect of planting date and shading on yield and some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ginger using a split plot design with three replications at the research farm of the Aboureihan Campus, located in the Pakdasht region of Tehran province.Methods: In this study, the light level was controlled at four levels (no shading [full light], shading from August 7 until harvesting [light-shade], shading until August 6 [shade-light], and shading thoughout the growth period [full shading]) as the main factor and the secondary factor comprised the planting date at three levels (April 20, May 10, and May 31).Results: The results indicted that applying full shading initially, and then transitioning to the shade-light treatment along with planting ginger on the 20th of April, had the most significant impact on increasing all the examined traits, including yield components, yield, and the percentage of essential oil in ginger rhizomes. The two mentioned treatments (full shading and shade-light) led to an approximately 29% increase in the number of rhizomes in ginger plants compared to both the full light treatment and the light-shading treatment. On the other hand, the highest ginger essential oil percentage (1.76%) was obtained in plants planted on the 20th of April, which was approximately 25% higher when compared to the essential oil percentage of plants planted on the 31st of May.Conclusion: Implementing shading treatment on the planting date of April 20 could be a promising method for significantly increasing both the quantitative and qualitative yield of ginger under similar climatic conditions.
maryam mansouri; Gholam Akbari; elias soltani; Fatemeh Benakashani
Objective: Study of the promising plant Niger seed with the goal of oil production in PakdashtMethods: This research was carried out in the form of a split-split plot in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications in the year 2021 in the Aburihan campus research farm located ...
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Objective: Study of the promising plant Niger seed with the goal of oil production in PakdashtMethods: This research was carried out in the form of a split-split plot in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications in the year 2021 in the Aburihan campus research farm located in Pakdasht. In this study, irrigation cycle in three levels (once every 7 days, once every 10 days and once every 13 days) as the main factor, planting date in two levels (5 June and 22 June) as a secondary factor and fertilizing with bio-fertilizers In four-level including control (without biofertilizer), Shift biofertilizer, Chris biofertilizer and the combination of Shift and Chris biofertilizers as sub-factors were considered.Results: The results showed that the plants cultivated on June 22 were superior to the plants cultivated on June 5 in all investigated traits (including yield components, seed yield, and biological yield) and all three tested irrigation levels. Also with increasing levels of drought stress, the seed yield has significantly decreased in both planting dates under investigation. However, the ratio of seed yield reduction under drought stress was significantly lower in plants cultivated on June 22nd compared to those cultivated on June 5th.Conclusion: The cultivation of seed Niger plant with the application of Chris biofertilizer in the same weather conditions on June 22nd, is recommended as a promising plant that has an acceptable yield from an agricultural point of view and its product has a high oil content.
Mohammad Zamanian; Farid Golzardi; Ali Mahrokh; Farhad Azizi; Masoud Torabi; Vida Ghotbi; Mohammad ali Mofidian; Vahid Rahjoo; Elias Soltani
The present study is conducted to separate the effective and influential management factors in the production of clover forage in Iran and to identify its limiting factors. In this study, the data obtained from 68 research projects conducted by the Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization ...
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The present study is conducted to separate the effective and influential management factors in the production of clover forage in Iran and to identify its limiting factors. In this study, the data obtained from 68 research projects conducted by the Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization (AREEO) throughout the country during the 2009-2020 years have been analyzed, using the meta-analysis method. The results show that planting date -3.31%, planting method -22.82%, species +40.14%, seeding rate (planting density) +1.53%, drought stress -16.16 %, and phenological stage of forage harvesting -15.42% justify the amount of forage clover variation. Thus, fall planting in the middle of September, basin planting method, choosing the Berseem clover species (Trifolium alexandrinum var. Karaj), the seeding rate of 15-20 kg ha-1 (for forage production), and forage harvesting at the phenological stage of 10-25% flowering, are the most important management and agronomic factors in increasing clover forage production in cold and temperate regions, and not complying with one or a set of these factors will reduce the clover production and will cause yield gap. Overall, the species, planting method, and drought stress are respectively recognized as the most important factors affecting clover forage yield in Iran.
Farhad Azizi; Ali Mahrokh; Vida Ghotbi; Farid Golzardi; Seyed Mohammad Ali Mofidian; Mohammad Zamanian; Vahid Rahjoo; Masoud Torabi; Elias Soltani
To identify the limiting factors in forage maize production in Iran, this study has been carried out in order to separate the effective and influential management factors in forage maize production in the country with data. It is obtained from 43 final reports or their derived extracted articles in Agricultural ...
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To identify the limiting factors in forage maize production in Iran, this study has been carried out in order to separate the effective and influential management factors in forage maize production in the country with data. It is obtained from 43 final reports or their derived extracted articles in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) with meta-analysis method. According to the results, plant density (5.65%), drought stress (-13.44%), cultivar (0.31%), planting date (2.54%), and nitrogen fertilizer (24%) justify the amount of forage maize variation. Based on the results of this study, forage yield has increased by about 9.49%, increasing plant density between 80 to 100 thousand plants per hectare. Maize forage yield has decreased significantly under mild stress, severe stress, and very severe drought stress by 25.30%, 14.38% and 8.99%, respectively. Also, for different cultivars and different groups of maturity, group-700 has had a significant increase of 3.83% compared to other groups. For the planting dates of forage maize compared to the control, which is the first half of June, a decrease in forage yield is observed. Finally, the highest percentage of increase in maize forage yield has been obtained from the use of 450 kg ha-1 of urea fertilizer. Overall, nitrogen fertilizer, drought stress, and planting density are recognized as the most important factors affecting corn forage yield in Iran, respectively.
Marjanossadat Hosseinifard; Majid Ghorbani Javid; Elias Soltani; Iraj Allah dadi; Danial Kahrizi
In order to evaluate the yield components, seed yield, and oil content of Camelina doubled haploid lines, an experiment has been conducted based on a randomized complete block design with 40 doubled haploid lines (as treatments) and three replications in the research farm of College of Aburaihan- the ...
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In order to evaluate the yield components, seed yield, and oil content of Camelina doubled haploid lines, an experiment has been conducted based on a randomized complete block design with 40 doubled haploid lines (as treatments) and three replications in the research farm of College of Aburaihan- the University of Tehran, Pakdasht during 2020. Since the yield characteristics and oil content of Camelina lines are unknown in the Iranian climate, the study investigates seed yield components, as well as oil yield and oil content of 40 Camelina lines. The results show a very significant difference between Camelina lines in terms of yield components, which ultimately leads to significant differences in grain yield, thus affecting the grain oil yield. Although none of the lines has had absolute superiority in all components of grain yield, in terms of final grain yield, line of 134 with 3178 and line of 110 with 3120 kg/ha are identified as superior lines. Therefore, according to the purpose of this study, in order to select the best Camelina line with maximum grain and oil yield, 134 and 110 lines are introduced and recommended as superior and promising lines that are compatible with the climatic conditions of the Pakdasht region.
Siavash Heshmati; Gholam Akbari; elias soltani; Majid Amini Dehaghi; Kayvan Fathi Amirkhiz; Keyvan Maleki
In order to study the foliar application of melatonin on plants grown from safflower in different seed qualities under drought condition, two field experiments have been carried out at research farm of Aburaihan Campus, University of Tehran, between 2017 and 2018 growing seasons. The experimental design ...
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In order to study the foliar application of melatonin on plants grown from safflower in different seed qualities under drought condition, two field experiments have been carried out at research farm of Aburaihan Campus, University of Tehran, between 2017 and 2018 growing seasons. The experimental design is split-factorial in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, with the treatments being consisted of two levels of drought stress (1- normal irrigation (no-stress) and 2- irrigation after reaching 85% of soil moisture depletion of field capacity at flowering stage (drought stress)), in the main plots. The subplots include 4 treatments, including a factorial combination of seed quality (stored seed and recently harvested seeds) and foliar application (the control and melatonin foliar application). Results from these experiments illustrate that melatonin foliar application has significantly increased the seed yield of stored seed by 589Kg.ha-1, compared to the control. It is also shown that SOD and CAT activities have been increased in response to melatonin in plants grown from recently-harvested seeds under drought condition. Furthermore, it is indicated that foliar application of melatonin decrease the amount of leaf soluble proteins by 28% in plants grown from recently-harvested seeds under drought conditions. According to the results, the amount of malondialdehyde is decreased by 37% in plants grown from recently-harvested seeds by foliar application of melatonin under drought conditions. It seems that seed quality has an enormous influence on grown plants and that using melatonin may play a substantial role in ameliorating the injuries derived from stress on safflower plant.
Ali Mahrokh; Farid Golzardi; Farhad Azizi; seid mohammad ali mofidian; Mohammad Zamanian; Vahid Rahjoo; Masoud Torabi; Elias soltani
To identify the limiting factors in grain maize production in Iran, a study has been carried out to particulate effective and influential management factors of this crop’s production in the country. The data come from 95 final reports or extracted articles in Agricultural Research, Education, and ...
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To identify the limiting factors in grain maize production in Iran, a study has been carried out to particulate effective and influential management factors of this crop’s production in the country. The data come from 95 final reports or extracted articles in Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization (AREEO), undergoing meta-analysis. Based on this study, of all grain maize variation, 2.93% is justified by plant density, 6.81% by planting structure, 11.12% by planting rotation, 2.28% by conservation agriculture, 25.28% by drought stress, 4.99% by cultivar, 4.46% by planting date, and 25.84% by nitrogen fertilizer. Accordingly, 100 thousand plants per hectare, zigzag double rows planting structure, maize-leguminous crops planting pattern, cultivating in residue, optimum irrigation without drought stress (in case of water availability), 700 maturity group cultivar (in case of adequate growing season), planting in May and early August in temperate and tropical climate, and using maximum 100-300 kg urea fertilizer per hectare are recommended to decrease yield gap in grain maize production.
Shiva Akbari; Iraj Allahdadi; Majid Ghorbani Javid; kourosh Kabiri; Elias Soltani
In order to study the effect of slow release hydrogel-urea complex (SRHUC) on yield, yield components and physiological traits of barley under water deficit, an experiment was performed in 2017-2018 and conducted as factorial in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in three replications in greenhouse ...
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In order to study the effect of slow release hydrogel-urea complex (SRHUC) on yield, yield components and physiological traits of barley under water deficit, an experiment was performed in 2017-2018 and conducted as factorial in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in three replications in greenhouse of Aburaihan campus of University of Tehran. The combination of factorial levels were as fertilization factor containing nitrogen (N) from urea source in five levels of no use of N, equivalent 125 and 65 kg.ha-1 N (without SRHUC) as CU-N125 and CU-N65 and equivalent 125 and 65 kg.ha-1 N with SRHUC as SRHUC-N125 and SRHUC-N65 and water deficit in three levels of 70, 50 and 30% of FC. Water deficit decreased yield and yield components, RWC and SPAD. The highest grain yield in a pot belonged to SRHUC-N125 (41.9 g) and there was no significant difference between CU-N125 (41.5 g) and SRHUC-N65 (39.1 g). For most of the traits, there was no significant difference between SRHUC-N125 and SRHUC-N65 and CU-N125. Under stress, utilization of SRHUC for both N amount could generate a better biological yield and SPAD index. Using N in the form of SRHUC was preferred to using of N without SRHUC, especially under stressed conditions.
Shirin Taghizoghi; Elias Soltani; Iraj Allahdadi; Reza Sadeghi
This research was conducted to investigate the effects of different seed coating treatments on the seed germination of canola under drought and salinity stresses. In order to, two factorial experiments were conducted based on completely randomized design with four replications in laboratory. In both ...
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This research was conducted to investigate the effects of different seed coating treatments on the seed germination of canola under drought and salinity stresses. In order to, two factorial experiments were conducted based on completely randomized design with four replications in laboratory. In both experiments, one of the factors were 10 different seed coating treatments. The second factor was different in two experiments: in the first experiment, the levels of drought stress of 0, -0.8, -1, and -1.2 MPa were considered, and in the second experiment, the levels of salinity stress of 0, 7, 14 and 21 ds/m NaCl were investigated. Results indicated that the lowest hydrotime constant (θH) were observed in T9 (22.627 MPa h), T3 (22.538 MPa h), and T6 (22.263 MPa h). The lowest base water potential (Ψb (50)) were belonged to T4 (-1.332 MPa) and T1 (-1.324 MPa). The maximum of germination percentage under salinity stress (Gmax) was observed in T2 (86.75%). The highest threshold to salinity tolerance (Xo) was belonged to T3 (16.38 ds/m). The highest germination rate was belonged to T3 in all levels of salinity. Totally, seed coating treatments of T3, T6 and T9 were the best treatments under drought stress and T3 was the best treatment under salinity stress.
Shiva Akbari
The goal of this study was to investigate climatic factors, crop management and plant growth traits, using a simple model to simulate growth and yield of soybean in Tehran climatic condition in order to be use as an efficient tool to study effective factors on yield. The model was evaluated under Tehran ...
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The goal of this study was to investigate climatic factors, crop management and plant growth traits, using a simple model to simulate growth and yield of soybean in Tehran climatic condition in order to be use as an efficient tool to study effective factors on yield. The model was evaluated under Tehran condition. Soybean is one of the important resources of herbal oil and protein. At the current study, production and partitioning of dry matter in vegetative parts and grains of soybean were investigated by changing the parameters of base temperature, the maximum leaf area index and the fraction of crop total dry matter at the beginning of grain growth. Decreasing and increasing of base temperature caused to decrease and increase the phenological stages, changing the production of dry matter and the allocation of dry matter to vegetative organs and grains. Decreasing and increasing of the fraction of remobilized dry matter to grains lead to enhance and reduce harvest index, respectively. To model evaluation, some statistics on differences between observed and simulated values were used. The simulated yield ranges were within 1890-2220 kg.ha-1 with mean values of 1982.5 kg.ha-1 and the observed yield ranges were 1632-2254 kg.ha-1 with mean values of 2014.5 kg.ha-1. The RMSE was 178.48 kg.ha-1 that was equal to 9% of average of observed and predicted values. All data points were included at the 80% of 1:1 line and it indicated that the model had suitable accuracy to predict soybean yield in Tehran climatic condition.
Elham Nozarpour; Reza Tavakkol afshari; Elias Soltani; Naser Majnon hoseini
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of water potential and temperature on seed germination rate of lemon balm (Mellissa officinalis L.). The seeds were incubated in various temperatures of 20, 23, 25, 27, 30 and 32ºC and water potentials of 0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa in three ...
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of water potential and temperature on seed germination rate of lemon balm (Mellissa officinalis L.). The seeds were incubated in various temperatures of 20, 23, 25, 27, 30 and 32ºC and water potentials of 0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa in three replications. This study was conducted in Seed Laboratory, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran in Karaj in 2015. Data were analyzed using combined statistical design in a completely randomized design in several places. Segmented function was evaluated to describe cardinal temperatures. The base, optimum and ceiling temperatures of lemon balm were 17.30, 30.9 and 35ºC under optimum conditions of water potential, respectively. The base temperature increased gradually with decreasing water potential and increased to 21.25°C in -0.8 MPa water potential. The optimum temperature decreased to about 28°C by decreasing water potential to -0.6 MPa. Lemon balm seeds did not germinated in 5, 10, 15 and 35°C in any moisture levels. The R2 value of hydrothermal time model was 0.55. The hydrothermal value was 71.41 MPa oday and According to this model seed germination of lemon balm needs to 71.41 MPa oday. The results can be used for future studies on the seed biology and ecology of lemon balm.